Book Collecting Prize FAQs

Can I submit more than one collection?

You should submit your strongest single collection, with the exception that you may submit a second collection if it is in the category of a general library. For guidance, nearly all applicants submit only one collection.

What if my collection is mostly books acquired as part of my classes at Yale?

The judges are interested in collections that show growth and curiosity beyond required classroom reading material.

How do I get more of an idea of the types of collections that are possible and if my collection would be of interest to the prize committee?

Please review the comprehensive list of winning collections over the years on the website. You will see a wide array of collections, demonstrating that there are no rigid parameters as to category or collecting interest that result in higher chances of being awarded a prize. 

What if all my books are at home?

If possible, we encourage finalists who are selected for an interview to bring at least a sample of books so that the committee can examine a representative selection. If your collection is not present in New Haven and it is impractical to bring materials, you may share up to 8 slides of your books or a short video (showing the books in their home context) with the committee during the interview.

How do I define the scope of my collection?

You have the opportunity in your written statement to explain your collecting history, how you define what your collection encompasses, and how you have made choices regarding the types of material you include in your collection. The judges place emphasis on clarity of thought.

Does it matter if my books and materials are mostly hardcover or softcover? If they are old or new? If they are considered valuable? If they are non-English?

No. Awards have been given for collections that vary across these characteristics. The value of your books is not a judging criterion.

May I submit a collection of e-books?

The judges are interested in physical objects and materials.

May I submit other types of printed or written materials, in addition to books?

Yes. Examples of other printed material that can be included in a collection include maps, zines, postcards, brochures, comic books, manuscripts, etc.

Is there a minimum number of books required for submission?

Generally, winning collections have had 15 to 25 or more items but there is no minimum threshold.

Does a larger number of books influence the chances of winning a prize?

The coherence of your collection takes precedence over the number of books.

Do I need to own the books in the collection?

Yes, you need to own and have assembled the collection. Gifts received from family and friends may be included as part of a collection but should not comprise the majority of the collection.